KG Perazim

“Trusting yourself”

Trusting Yourself

Trusting yourself to me, means trusting my gut instinct. It is my immediate understanding of something or someone before my brain gets involved.

Looking back, there has hardly ever been a time where my gut instinct has been wrong but plenty of times that I have ignored it and tried to make sense of a situation by overthinking and attempting to justify it.

A past romantic relationship comes to mind – a year of quite literally talking to myself and convincing myself to stay in a situation that I wasn’t happy in because it benefited me in practical ways. Ultimately, I had to listen to the voice that I had been trying to deny and walk away. It was the right decision. 

We know ourselves better than anyone. We can’t hide from the thoughts and feelings we are too embarrassed to share with the world. It is a shame that things like ego, anxiety and comparison get in the way of what we truly need as individual beings.

Our intuition is an accumulation of all the feelings, experiences and knowledge that we have absorbed knowingly and unknowingly throughout our lifetime so far. Why would we not take that into consideration? It is the ultimate act of believing in yourself over everything else, and taking action.

About Author

Race and Grief have impacted and continue to impact my life greatly. Writing about these topics and sharing them have changed my life - it has given me the opportunity to use the voice that was silenced years ago. I hope that it helps people in relatable situations feel less alone.

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