KG Perazim

The George Floyd “Movement”

We all know George Floyd was a man who was wronged in the most ultimate way. It fills me with so much sadness. I take comfort in the fact that it wasn’t for nothing. His death shook the world to its core. People stood up. People started using their voices. I am one of those people. 

I am half Black and half South Asian. I was brought up solely by my Asian side of the family with no exposure to my Black side. I am also the only Black member of my family.

“We don’t see you as any different” is a phrase that sums up my childhood. It’s a lovely sentiment but a loaded one. I was different. The refusal to acknowledge and accept that fact caused a lot of damage. Damage that I could not articulate properly until George Floyd. Until the internet was flooded with people coming forward with their stories. Stories that I could see myself in. Stories that validated my experience and gave me the strength to stand up and call out.

George Floyd and the movement surrounding his death has helped me find my Black voice. And I am now able to use it to protect myself in a way I wasn’t able to before.

About Author

Race and Grief have impacted and continue to impact my life greatly. Writing about these topics and sharing them have changed my life - it has given me the opportunity to use the voice that was silenced years ago. I hope that it helps people in relatable situations feel less alone.

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