
Last updated on January 10th, 2021 at 06:16 pm

Gaby Rodriguez

Gaby Rodriguez



Sussex, United Kingdom

The woman who does not require validation is the most feared woman in the world.




In my early teens, I discovered my interest in media studies and photography which I then went on to study for my a-levels.

This is where my passion and interest for digital marketing and blogging came from and having battled with adult acne, all these elements combined gave me the push to set up my own platform of, ‘A is for acne’.

Aside from blogging, I work as a sales manager for a company based locally to me in Sussex. I am a people person and a huge extrovert through and through so the role suits me to a tee!
I am surrounded by a wonderful group of friends, family and my child, (aka a 13 year-old golden retriever, Fliss) and enjoy running, hiking, city travelling and just generally spending time with the fabulous people in my life, especially my Mum!

Three interesting facts about me;

  • I’m half Venezuelan.
  • I was born three months premature and only weighed 1lb 7oz when I was born.
  • My party trick is I can hang spoons from my nose.
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