Last updated on January 3rd, 2021 at 01:40 pm

Since 2017, we have featured some notable names in the creative industry.
What sets us apart is our hunger and comprehensive knowledge of featuring great creatives, allowing us to deliver engaging content in a manner our readers can relate to.
Please see below a few of the creatives we have featured:
Issue I: Kojo Vandie @kojovandie
Issue II: Gerald Sagoe @geraldsagoe of @so_fraiche
Issue III: Anusha Sareen @anushasareen and Jesu London @jesusegunlondon
Issue IV: Grace boyega @graceboyega and Prince David Osei @princedavidosei
Issue V: Henry Coffie @henryparis9, Mista Silva @mistasilvaf2d and Nikky Okyere @iam_nikky
Issue VI: Ama K Abebrese @ama_k_abebrese, Anita Asante @neetz2, DJ Abrantee @djabrantee, DJ Mensah @djmensah, Dennis Owusu-Ansah @denny_ow, Fancy Gadam @fancy_gadam2, Gina Obeng @just_geen, Incredible Zigi @incrediblezigi, John Dumelo @johndumelo1, Kelvin Mensah @pjkev, Fuse ODG @fuseodg, Lharley Lartey @_lharley_, Toosweet Annan @toosweetannangh
Issue VII: Bisi Aiko @bissakins, Mikahl Caci @mikahlcaci, Payton Caci @paytoncaci and Shay Aiko @shay.aiko
Issue VIII : Jermain Jackman @jermainjackman, Josh Mcbride @joshymcb, Michael Lombard @michaellombard_designer, Nick Kosir @fox46nick, Oris Erhuero @iamoriserhuero and Tallia Storm @talliastorm
Issue IX: C Cane @itsccane, Dentaa Amoateng @dentaa_show, Jemel One Five @jemeljof, Kojo Marfo @kojosteveaustin and Ladi Alexander @ladialexander of @Marbek
Issue X: Article Wan @articlewani, Diana Hamilton @dianaantwihamilton, Eddie Kadi @comeddiekadi, Emmanuel Smith @emmanuelsmith_official and MOG @mogmusic
Issue XI: Akesse Brampong @akessethelion, Danny Wonders @dannywonders, Folly fresh @follyfresh and Swarzy Macaly @swarzymacaly
Issue XII: Dean Ahmad @deanahmad_, Nana Pokes of The Compozers @nanapokes, Marvin Abbey @marvinabbey, Tizzy @tizzymusic and Victoria Winterford @victoria.winterford
Issue XIII: Eric Kofi Abrefa @ekabrefa, Mia McKenna Bruce @mia_mbruce and Kaine Zajaz @kainezajaz
Issue XIV: Dr Emeka Okorocha @doctor.emeka
If you would like to be featured in Perazim Magazine, please go to our Collaboration page and fill in contact form.